Whatever Happened To Mos Def?

April 2024 · 2 minute read

Though Yasiin Bey had enjoyed decades of success as both a musician and an actor and planned to continue his work as both under his new name, it wasn't long before the artist formerly known as Mos Def was ready to drop another announcement. It would land like a bombshell for his countless fans.

According to The Quietus, in January 2016 Bey posted an audio file on the website of his friend and musical collaborator Kanye West, through which he declared his imminent retirement from music and acting. Bey, who had been a child actor from the age of 14, (via Black Past) said: "I'm retiring from the music recording industry as it is currently assembled today, and also from Hollywood, effective immediately ... I'm releasing my final album this year. And that's that." (via Essence)

The Guardian reported the announcement followed a tumultuous few weeks for Bey, who was detained in South Africa while traveling on an expired tourist visa and using a "world passport" –- a document invented by a man named Garry Davis in the 1950s to allow travel for those who considered themselves stateless. The passport is generally unrecognized by most major governments.

Despite his announcement, Bey has continued to perform music intermittently, making occasional live performances and guest appearances. His latest solo effort eventually came in 2019, though in an unconventional form: an album called "Negus" that the artist planned to tour at galleries, with no physical or digital release planned (via NPR).
