Could Val Venis have been more?

April 2024 ยท 2 minute read
I'm not talking the gimmick, I'm talking the actual wrestler behind the gimmick, Sean Morley. Like many eras of wrestling, there is always wrestlers who some believe could have been much more prominent stars and could've have had greater success if they hadn't been stuck on a roster full of talent and greater stars who got the spotlight. During Hulk Hogan's era there are guys like Ted Dibiase, Mr. Perfect, Jake "the Snake" Roberts, etc.

During the Attitude Era and beyond Steve Austin and The Rock dominated the scene, and then you had a packed roster with guys like Undertaker, Chris Jericho, Big Show, and later Kurt Angle, Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero, etc all vying for spot higher on the roster.

But what about someone like Val Venis? He had a great look, he had great ability in the ring, and during his prime he was certainly over with the crowd. He also had charisma and was even good on the mic. I, personally, think that he had all the tools to have one day been World Champion and if he had been given the chance, and booked successfully, he could've done just that. If not in the Attitude Era itself, which was obviously overflowing with talent and dominated by two of the biggest stars in the business in Austin and the Rock, I think he definitely could've been groomed later on when those two stars left and he was still a great talent with more experience and a "name".

If his character had evolved diferently then being thrown into things such as Right to Censor, etc, and the company had really gotten behind him. Or what if he had evolved into a character like the "Rated R Superstar", which would have gone along with his previous gimmick history, before Edge had ever done that?

Your thoughts on Val Venis - Sean Morely?
And what superstar who never got to great heights do you think could have been a lot more if the stars had alligned for him? And try to give someone who isn't an obvious choice, or one whose always thrown out there.
