How Does Hinge Work? [Complete Guide]

April 2024 · 4 minute read

As its slogan puts it, Hinge is “the only dating app made to be discarded.” Hinge’s goal is for its customers to establish meaningful connections, not simply hookups.

Despite its advertising, Hinge is not all that dissimilar from other dating apps like Tinder and Bumble. It’s an app for smartphones that displays photos of other users and allows you to “like” or “dislike” them. If two individuals share mutual interests, they are paired up to begin a conversation.

Hinge’s “Prompts” are bite-sized questions designed to inject personality into your profile, while “Standouts” are the users who are the best potential matches for you.

Learn all about Hinge and how to use it right here.

How Does Hinge Work?

How Does Hinge Work

Hinge is available for free on the iOS App Store and the Google Play Store, with optional in-app purchases for additional features.

Hinge requires the usual personal details upon registration, including your name, email address, birthday, and location. Additional information about yourself, such as your height, religion, politics, and so on, will be optionally collected.

Hinge’s “Prompts” are the unique selling point of the app, and one of the few required fields.

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Hinge’s Prompts

How Does Hinge Work

The Prompts are the most crucial component of the registration process since they contain inquiries about who you are and what you care about. In order to create an account, you must respond to three Prompts, the results of which will be made public.

There are dozens of different Prompts to choose from, and you can always update the ones on your profile. The questions can be discussion starters like “The one thing I’d like to know about you is…” or opportunities to share more about yourself like “A fact about me that shocks others…”

An integral aspect of the Hinge experience is the prompts, which are displayed on every user’s profile. Given the vast number of possible Prompts and answers, it is highly unlikely that any two persons will have the same exact set.

A search for a compatible partner might begin after you’ve created your profile.

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Liking And Rejection

How Does Hinge Work

Hinge, like most dating apps, only presents you with a single user at a time. You can swipe through their photos and Prompts, and then like or dismiss them with the love and ‘X’ buttons, respectively.

You may choose whatever parts of a person’s profile to like, unlike some other apps. You can like only one of their photos or Prompts if you find them very interesting. It’s a terrific method to show that you’re not just mindlessly clicking “Like” on every profile that crosses your path.

When you give an item a thumbs up, you can also give feedback on why you enjoy it. Unlike other applications, where you need a match before you can begin conversing, here all it takes to begin a discussion is alike. Your own Likes You page will be updated with each new as you receive.

Your like can also be elevated to the Rose level. If you want to show someone you’re truly interested in them, send them a Rose and they’ll see your message at the top of their stream. Each week on Sunday, you’ll receive a free Rose, and additional ones can be purchased in sets of three, twelve, or fifty.

Hinge remembers which profiles you like and utilizes that information to select compatible matches for you to view in the future. They use it to compile a unique list they refer to as “Standouts.”

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How Does Hinge Work

Hinge’s standouts feature is one of its most distinctive aspects. Hinge creates a list of users who are “most your type” every day based on how they responded to their Prompts. If you click on any of these Suggestions, you’ll be taken directly to that user’s detailed profile. It eliminates the unsuitable prospects and gives you direct access to your most appropriate mates.

However, there is a catch: you cannot merely Like these people. The correct alternative is to send a rose. If you’ve already had your one free glass of Rose every week, you’ll need to purchase more.

Every day at midnight, your Standouts list will automatically be updated. Possibly, but not necessarily, they will also appear on your main feed.
