Kurt Angle Q&A Highlights: Surgery and Ring Return Update, Austin or Lesnar Being a Tougher Opponent

April 2024 · 2 minute read

kurt angleKurt Angle recently did a Q&A via his official website, and below are some highlights:

Who is the wrestler that reminds you of yourself?

I have yet to see a wrestler that has reminded me of myself. There is a lot of great talent out there. Is there another Kurt Angle?? Not yet. But there are tremendous talents in the business.

Who was a tougher opponent according to you , in terms of in-ring skills – Brock Lesnar or Stone Cold Steve Austin?

Lesnar and Austin. Who was tougher? That’s a difficult question. Austin was aggressive and physical. He was always pressing me. Lesnar is a beast, an animal, a rare breed. They dominated in different ways. Both are rugged. But who frightens me more? Lesnar

What does a weekly workout routine look like for you?

It’s simple: 4 days of weight training and 3 days of hard cardio. I train every day, but no longer than an hour. This is nothing compared to my 10 hour days of training for the Olympics, but it works for me.

How are you feeling since your neck surgery?

I’m doing ok from my neck surgery. I had complications but I should be ready to go by early September.

What is your favorite Mexican food?

Really?? Burritos. With lots of beef!
