Woman Yells at 19-Year-Old Mom on a Plane and Refuses to Sit Next to Baby, Gets Kicked Out by Staff

May 2024 · 5 minute read

Service workers face unimaginable treatment from patrons and often can't respond as they see fit. However, staff members did something unexpected when one woman displayed shocking behavior on an airplane.

Showing kindness is always a good idea, and thoughtful gestures often have an incredible domino effect, making people's day. However, the opposite is true when people act impolitely. In an instant, someone's day can be ruined.

Staff members aboard a Delta Air flight were shocked by one passenger's conduct. The woman didn't understand that good manners and decency go a long way and learned a lesson the hard way.

Susan Peirez. | Source: YouTube.com/Inside Edition


Susan Peirez had no idea that a flight from JFK Airport in Queens, New York, to Syracuse in 2018 would create drama in her life, but it did. Another passenger, Marissa Rundell of Rochester, New York, wasn't happy with the language Peirez used.

When one staff member offered to put Peirez on the next available flight, the woman responded with a shocking statement.

The 19-year-old mother didn't feel comfortable, especially because her eight-month-old son, Mason, was in earshot of her foul dialogue. Rundell kindly asked the woman to watch her words and quickly realized she had made a mistake.


Peirez told the young mom to "shut the [expletive] up and shove it." She continued to make a scene, refusing to sit in the same aisle as Rundell. Staff members tried accommodating the upset passenger who "didn't want to sit near a crying baby."

The young mom recorded the encounter and could be heard stating, "He's not gonna cry the whole time." Rundell also revealed that Peirez was upset from the moment she got onboard. The mom shared:

"She came to the back and slammed her bags down. She said 'this is [expletive] ridiculous. It's [expletive] having to sit in the back of the plane.'"

Susan Peirez. | Source: YouTube.com/Inside Edition


Peirez conducted herself in an unkind manner and shouted snide remarks at the Delta Air employees. When one staff member offered to put Peirez on the next available flight, the woman responded with a shocking statement.

She threatened the employee's job and quipped: "You may not have a job tomorrow." The flight attendant refused to tolerate the harassment any longer and insisted that the woman be removed from the flight.

Susan Peirez. | Source: YouTube.com/Inside Edition


Once the staff member requested that Peirez disembark the airplane, her behavior changed drastically. She realized what was at stake and apologized profusely.

"I'm not screaming. I'll be quiet now. Please. OK? I'm sorry. I was stressed out," she said. Peirez then added:

"I apologize. Please? I apologize … I apologize. I have to be on this flight."

However, the apology fell on deaf ears, and the flight attendant condemned the woman's conduct. She stated that Peirez had to get off the airplane because she screamed at a woman and her child.

Susan Peirez. | Source: YouTube.com/Inside Edition


After the flight attendant spoke to a supervisor, the woman was removed from the aircraft. Mom Rundell was shocked by the ordeal and couldn't believe how Peirez treated her and the employees. Rundell said:

"It kinda made me laugh when she started to apologize because you don't go from being a psycho to apologizing and acting like she did nothing wrong. She totally deserved to get kicked off the flight."

The mother thanked the airline staff for protecting her and commended their swift reaction. She noted: "[Thank you to the] lovely Delta flight attendant for not letting this woman bully us." However, Rundell did have some feelings of remorse.


The mother's recording of the incident gained millions of views online and collected numerous nasty comments directed at Peirez — and that was not Rundell's intention. She said:

"I kind of feel bad for this lady. I don’t know her story, she doesn’t know mine. It might have been a misunderstanding. By the time we landed my entire family had seen it."


Delta Air also commented on the ordeal and explained their actions, noting that the patron's behavior was not in line with their standards of respect and civility. Their statement read:

"We appreciate our Endeavor Air flight attendant’s commitment to Delta’s core values and apologize to the other customers on board Flight 4017 who experienced the disturbance."


Netizens praised the flight attendant and urged customers to think twice about underestimating service workers. One user wrote: "People don't realize the true authority that flight attendants have." Someone else added:

"Whenever you make a decision to test someone's power, you always need to be prepared to face the consequences."


Commenters also revealed similar instances and noted patrons' shocking levels of entitlement. One user stated:

"I’m a security and one day I was helping to do line control for an event. This lady came up to me at the front of the line. She said she worked for the state's attorney. I told her she still needed to wait in the line."

The security employee explained that the woman was upset and returned to the line with a police officer. He was shocked by her negative attitude and that she had no regard for his position.

Peirez was one of many customers that treated employees unkindly. Hopefully, her conduct teaches a lesson on the importance of politeness and common courtesy.

While it isn't unreasonable to discuss matters with staff members and other customers, a kind attitude and friendly tone are crucial. What are your opinions about the woman's behavior, and do you think she deserved to be booted from the flight?

Click here for a story about an angry and irritated woman who shouted at an elderly gentleman. She lost her cool with him but changed her attitude when she saw something that reminded her of her dad.
