The Meaning Behind The Song: Tu Eres by NB Ridaz

May 2024 · 3 minute read


As a fan of Latin music, I have always been drawn to the emotion and passion conveyed through the lyrics. One song that holds a special place in my heart is “Tu Eres” by NB Ridaz. Released on April 6, 2004, this song speaks of love, devotion, and the deep connection between two individuals. Let’s dive into the meaning behind the lyrics and explore why this song has resonated with so many people.

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Personal Connection

I remember the first time I heard “Tu Eres.” It was a warm summer day, and I was driving with the windows down, feeling the cool breeze on my face. This song came on the radio, and instantly, the catchy melody and heartfelt lyrics captivated me. From that moment, I knew this song would become a favorite of mine.

This song reminds me of a beautiful relationship I once had. It was a time filled with joy, love, and endless smiles. Every time we were together, my heart felt full, just like the lyrics express. The song became the soundtrack to our love story, and whenever I hear it, I am transported back to those cherished memories.

Love and Devotion

“Tu Eres” speaks about a deep love and devotion between two people. The lyrics express the singer’s realization that their partner is an angel sent from above. They are grateful for their presence in their life and feel joy and happiness whenever they are together.

The chorus, sung by Angelina, emphasizes the significance of the other person in their life. They become their everything, their “consentido.” They cannot imagine a life without their partner and express their love and loyalty towards them.

A Promise of Forever

The song carries a promise of forever. The artist acknowledges that their life is incomplete without their partner by their side. They express a desire to be married to them, to become their best friend, and to give them a beautiful life.

The lyrics symbolize a deep commitment. The artist offers an engagement ring as a symbol of their love and asks for the assurance of their partner’s love and trust. They envision a future filled with love, where they will dance together and shine like stars.

The Eternal Connection

“Tu Eres” describes a connection that goes beyond time and space. The lyrics suggest that the artist and their partner are destined to be together. They believe in the power of their love and promise to do everything for their partner.

This belief in the eternal connection is beautifully captured in the line, “El día que te miré, allí mi destino” (The day I saw you, there was my destiny). It signifies a deep recognition of the soulmate and a strong bond that cannot be easily broken.


“Tu Eres” by NB Ridaz is a heartfelt song that captures the essence of love, devotion, and the eternal connection between two individuals. Its lyrics express gratitude, promise, and a deep commitment to the loved one. Whether you have experienced a similar love story or simply appreciate the beauty of Latin music, this song is sure to touch your heart.

The release of this song in 2004 as part of the album “” brought this emotional ballad to the mainstream audience and solidified NB Ridaz’s place in Latin music history.


Release Date: April 6, 2004
